RTS is excited to announce our 2023-2024 residency program open call.
There are 2 residency tracks.
Track 1: 3 local artists will be awarded a 3-month period residency with a $2000 stipend.
Track 2: 3 out of town (non-Bay Area person) artists will be awarded a 1-month residency, a $1000 stipend, and a $2000 travel and housing stipend.
Note you can only apply to one track, not both tracks.
The residency studio at RTS is 170 sq. ft and includes access to a communal wood shop. RTS is centrally located near BART and downtown Oakland.
Requirements for the residency:
- Work on-site at the studio for a minimum of 15 hrs a week
- Give 2 artist talks during the residency period
- Create an artwork in the form of a multiple (edition of 10) for the RTS Residency archive
Note: No hazardous or toxic materials may be used in the studio space.
Application Fee: $10. Please Paypal application fee to @ realtimeandspace@gmail.com. If we DO NOT receive your application fee via PayPal your application will not be reviewed.
Application link: https://forms.gle/7wujoMf57qWddvw4A
Deadline for applications is March 31, 2023.
12 finalists will be selected–6 finalists for track 1; 6 finalists for track 2. The finalists will be notified via email. Finalist, please keep your calendar clear for the below dates. We will notify finalists Monday, April 10th with which 15 min slot you will have.
Finalist Interviews:
Saturday, April 15, 1:00-2:30 pm
Monday, April 17, 6:00-7:30 pm
Each Interview will be 15 minutes.
All applicants will be notified by May 1, 2023.
Program begins June 1, 2023.
If you have any questions please email BOTH realtimeandresidency@gmail.com & realtimeandevents@gmail.com