Open Studios! Trivia! Silent Auction! Food! Craft Cocktails! Music! AUGUST 19th, 6-9pm!
Join Real Time and Space for a fundraiser to support our programming and facilities. These funds will help us keep the rent down for all studio members and pay for wood shop and electrical maintenance. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Tickets are sliding scale $20-$50. We realized there is not a way to buy multiple tickets on the Eventbrite page, so if you make a donation of $40 or greater, we will assume that you will be bringing a friend!
Mingle with the charming studio members of RTS. Gourmet dinner provided by Oakland Stock’s Lexa Walsh is included in the price. Bring extra cash to buy art, and donate to the no-host bar.
Kate Rhoades will host a Bay Area Art History Trivia. Johnna Arnold will make participatory portraits.
Former RTS member, Aaron Harbour will rock the turntable.
There will be a slew of artwork to buy in our silent auction with work by RTS artists and friends.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Ratto’s International Market and Deli Fort Point Beer Company